[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Make Oishi Oreo Graham Balls For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Oreo Graham Balls.

Oreo Graham Balls You can Have Oreo Graham Balls using 3 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Oreo Graham Balls

  1. What You needis 1 cup of Crushed Graham.
  2. What You needis 15 Pieces of Oreo.
  3. What You needis 1/3 of Condensed milk.

Oreo Graham Balls instructions

  1. Separate the White filling of the oreo cookies. Set aside the white filling and crush the oreo(Brown part).
  2. In a bowl Mix the 1 cup of crushed graham and 1 cup of crushed oreo. Add 1/3 of condensed milk. And mix it. Until it looks like a dough..
  3. Get a little and roll it. You can do any shape 😄.
  4. After doing it. Microwave the Filling for 2 mins..
  5. You can make 20 pieces😊. And put it in the refrigerator. Let it cool for 1 hr and Tadaaaa~~ ready to eat..
  6. Enjoyyy!!.