[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Cook Oishi Shakshuka Israeli Dish For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Shakshuka Israeli Dish.

Shakshuka Israeli Dish You can Cook Shakshuka Israeli Dish using 12 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Shakshuka Israeli Dish

  1. Lets Go Prepare of ingredients.
  2. What You needis 1 of green pepper.
  3. It's 1 head of red pepper.
  4. What You needis 1 of orange pepper.
  5. It's 2 large of tomatoes.
  6. What You needis 1 clove of garlic.
  7. What You needis 1 pinch of sugar.
  8. Lets Go Prepare 1 of ketchup.
  9. It's 1 of salt/pepper.
  10. What You needis 5 of eggs.
  11. It's 1 of hot sauce for exrta spice.
  12. It's 1 medium of onion.

Shakshuka Israeli Dish instructions

  1. heat skillet on medium heat with oil.
  2. Cut all the vegetables and put into a big bowl..
  3. leave the eggs for the last step :).
  4. Before you put the vegetables on the skillet salt and pepper the vegetables..
  5. Pour the vegetables on the skillet and reduce to simmer for about 10 mins. Stir occasionally..
  6. After 10 min has passed, take a spoon and taste it to see if the vegetables are soft yet if they are not let them cook until they're soft but not mushy..
  7. At this point u want to add that pinch of sugar, this brings the flavors together. trust me you won't taste the sugar. stir it around..
  8. Add the ketchup. you might wanna use about a tablespoon. depending on how thick you want it to be, you can use more..
  9. if you find that its sticking to the skillet add some water to the pan and stir again..
  10. now you want to add in the eggs. think sunny side up. you can also make little pockets so they have a place to rest amd that way they cook faster..
  11. you can either cover the skillet w a pan to poach the eggs or leave the skillet opened..
  12. let the eggs cook through..
  13. turn off the skillet.. waalllaaa you are done :).
  14. serve with toasted bread if you'd like.