[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Cook Oishi Boiled Peanuts For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Boiled Peanuts. Boiled peanuts are just raw peanuts that have been boiled in salted water for hours. Great with beer or a cold soda, these salty soft peanuts are totally addictive! Boiled peanuts are a favorite southern, summer snack.

Boiled Peanuts Boiled Peanuts, Steamed Peanuts, Braised Peanuts. Here at Boiled Peanut World, we aspire to tell you everything you want to know about peanuts, and boiling peanuts. This boiled peanut recipe is a southern tradition and a delicious mess. You can Cook Boiled Peanuts using 2 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Boiled Peanuts

  1. Lets Go Prepare 1 of RAW Valencia Peanuts.
  2. It's 4 1/4 cup of Kosher salt.

You can readily find boiled peanuts sold along roadsides throughout the Southern USA. Although you can make boiled peanuts with just peanuts, salt, and water, they are SO much better with a few added spices. Here's what you will need… Boiled peanuts contain the same nutrients as roasted peanuts, and even more antioxidants, but Making Boiled Peanuts. Spicy Cajun Boiled Peanuts -- are salty, spicy, nutty and oh so addictive.

Boiled Peanuts instructions

  1. Soak Peanuts in cold water for 3 hours or overnight..
  2. Drain and pour into pot large enough to hold peanuts. Boil on high for 4 hours. DO NOT SALT YET.
  3. After 6-8 hours peanuts should start turning from the natural beige color to a darker brown....add 1/4 cup of kosher salt.....continue boiling another hour. After this hour add another 1/4 cup salt to your liking. Make sure to taste your peanuts as you go to make sure they are not too salty. The more peanuts you have, the more salt you will add..
  4. Once they are completely dark brown they are done. If you like them with a crunch make sure to taste as you go for consistency....jumbo peanuts typically become mushy, so aim for the smaller variety. Bag up in ziplock bags and enjoy..can last a week in fridge! Serve warm or room temp!.

Perfect for summer snack time, late night movie marathon and for entertaining. Yes, boiled peanuts have a season, though boiled peanuts have become such an iconic, year-round Southern food, most wouldn't know. They're so iconic, in fact, that they've acquired the power to. See more ideas about boiled peanuts, food, recipes. Boiled peanuts make a delicious snack!