Recipe: Oishi Snowball Cookies with Chocolate mint centers For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Snowball Cookies with Chocolate mint centers.

Snowball Cookies with Chocolate mint centers You can Have Snowball Cookies with Chocolate mint centers using 9 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Snowball Cookies with Chocolate mint centers

  1. Lets Go Prepare of Cookie dough.
  2. Lets Go Prepare 1 tsp of Baking powder.
  3. Lets Go Prepare 1 cup of Butter.
  4. It's 1 1/2 cup of Sugar.
  5. Lets Go Prepare 2 tbsp of Vanilla.
  6. What You needis 4 cup of Flour.
  7. Lets Go Prepare 1 bunch of Chocolates mints ..optional.
  8. It's of topping =).
  9. Lets Go Prepare 1 cup of icing sugar.

Snowball Cookies with Chocolate mint centers instructions

  1. Preheat oven 300=350*f.
  2. Blend Butter..Sugar..N Vanilla till. nicely mixed.
  3. mix in Flour....
  4. Chill one hour.
  5. shape dough around Chocolates.
  6. Place on ungreesed pan ...Bake 10=15 minutes.
  7. once cooked place on serving tray Sprinkle with icing sugar.