Recipe: Oishi Baker Bitch's Orange Jello SHOTS baby!! For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Baker Bitch's Orange Jello SHOTS baby!!.

Baker Bitch's Orange Jello SHOTS baby!! You can Have Baker Bitch's Orange Jello SHOTS baby!! using 5 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Baker Bitch's Orange Jello SHOTS baby!!

  1. What You needis of Mixed drinks.
  2. It's 1 cup of water.
  3. Lets Go Prepare 1 envelope of orange Jello (large one).
  4. It's 2 cup of vodka.
  5. What You needis 3 large of oranges.

Baker Bitch's Orange Jello SHOTS baby!! instructions

  1. wash oranges. Do I really need to put this step in here??.
  2. Slice in half.
  3. Remove/scoop out all of the pulp! Juice and save? Or make yourself a fresh drink while your working. You need you're oranges nice and pretty inside..
  4. Place all halves Into a baking dish or platter..
  5. Heat water to a boil.
  6. In large bowl add jello and boiled water..
  7. Stir/mix for 2 minutes or until dissolved..
  8. Add vokda. Use a good vokda for God's sake!! You may even want to use an orange flavored vodka....
  9. Stir/mix until well blended..
  10. Pour liquid gold into orange shells. Cover with waxed paper. Or whatever the hell you wanna use... Refrigerate for at least 4-6 hours!!!.
  11. TIP: If you're oranges are rolling and your afraid the liquid will spill, lightly slice the bottoms off each orange half to ensure stability!!.
  12. After they have set, slice into delicious wedges!!! You're guests will LOVE this shit!!.