[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Cook Oishi Potstick Sun flower (Costco) 太陽花煎餃 For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Potstick Sun flower (Costco) 太陽花煎餃.

Potstick Sun flower (Costco) 太陽花煎餃 You can Cook Potstick Sun flower (Costco) 太陽花煎餃 using 4 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Potstick Sun flower (Costco) 太陽花煎餃

  1. What You needis of Potstickers 煎餃.
  2. Lets Go Prepare of Flour 麵粉.
  3. What You needis of Water 水.
  4. It's of Oil 油.

Potstick Sun flower (Costco) 太陽花煎餃 instructions

  1. Heat the pot for 3 mins with strong heat. 大火熱鍋3分鐘.
  2. Add oil into heated pot and make it even. 在鍋面均勻上油.
  3. Put in potsticks arranging them in a sun flower shape. Cook for 3 mins. At the same time, mix flour with water. 排列放入煎餃。排好後將麵粉混水。.
  4. Pour flour water into the pot evenly. 將面粉水均勻倒入鍋中。.
  5. Cover the pot and turn to gentle heat, wait 10 mins. 蓋上鍋蓋,轉小火,等10分鐘。.
  6. Take off the cover, make sure the pot is dry and then turn off the heat. 打開鍋蓋,等水份收乾。.
  7. Use a plate to cover the pot and flip it upside down to get the sunflower on the plate. 將盤子倒蓋在鍋上,翻轉讓煎餃上盤。.