[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Cook Oishi Tex's St. George's Mixed Grill 🐄🐷🐑 🍄🍅🍳🇬🇧 For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Tex's St. George's Mixed Grill 🐄🐷🐑 🍄🍅🍳🇬🇧.

Tex's St. George's Mixed Grill 🐄🐷🐑 🍄🍅🍳🇬🇧 You can Have Tex's St. George's Mixed Grill 🐄🐷🐑 🍄🍅🍳🇬🇧 using 13 ingredients and 16 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Tex's St. George's Mixed Grill 🐄🐷🐑 🍄🍅🍳🇬🇧

  1. Lets Go Prepare 140 grams of rump steak.
  2. What You needis 1-2 of lamb chops.
  3. Lets Go Prepare 100 grams of lamb's liver.
  4. Lets Go Prepare 2 rashers of smoked bacon.
  5. It's 1-2 of pork or beef sausages (bangers).
  6. Lets Go Prepare 1 of large free-range egg.
  7. Lets Go Prepare 1-2 of large mushrooms.
  8. It's 1 of tomato (sliced in two).
  9. Lets Go Prepare As needed of oil for shallow frying.
  10. It's As needed of salt and black pepper to season.
  11. Lets Go Prepare As needed of fresh finely chopped basil (optional).
  12. Lets Go Prepare As needed of fresh finely chopped mint (optional).
  13. It's As needed of flour for breading.

Tex's St. George's Mixed Grill 🐄🐷🐑 🍄🍅🍳🇬🇧 instructions

  1. The choice for your grill is up to you. The basic is usually several cuts of meat (including at least one cutlet or chop), bacon, sausage, and offal (kidneys or liver)..
  2. The mixed grill is usually served with mushrooms, tomatoes, fried egg, and often black pudding, a few chips and/or baked beans;.
  3. The ingredients are all easy enough to cook, it's the timing that's the problem with a mixed grill....
  4. Put your liver in a bowl.
  5. Cover with milk and allow to sit for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight. This will draw out the bitterness many people complain about when eating liver.
  6. Preheat the oven to gas mark 5, 190°C (375°F). Brush the mushrooms inside and out with oil or butter, then season.
  7. Begin frying your sausage and mushrooms in the skillet turning occasionally, on a medium heat. Do not pierce the sausage, or the fat and flavour will leak from the banger in to the pan.
  8. After the sausage has been cooking for four minutes remove the mushrooms and put in the oven. Add the bacon to the skillet. Slice the tomato in half, season, sprinkle the sliced side with chopped basil, then add to the skillet flat side down..
  9. Dry the liver on kitchen paper, season, and coat in flour..
  10. When the bacon and tomato has been cooking for 3 minutes, turn.
  11. After another 3 minutes turn the oven down to gas mark 2, 150°C (300°F) and put all the contents of the skillet into the oven with the mushrooms.
  12. Increase the heat of the skillet to high until smoking. Season the steak and lamb on both sides. Sprinkle the chop(s) liberally with chopped mint, then pop in the pan, along with the steak and the liver.
  13. Cook the liver for about 1½ minutes each side then set aside. Fry the steak and chop for 4-5 minutes then turn, cook for another 4-5 minutes then test with your finger to see if it's done to your taste. When it's cooked correctly, turn off the oven. Keep the steak, liver, and lamb in the oven to rest. Turn the heat in the skillet down to medium-low and crack in your egg.
  14. Add the rest of the contents of the oven (except the chops, steak, and liver) to the skillet with the egg.
  15. When the egg is cooked, remove the skillet from the heat and begin plating up.
  16. .