Twin Fruity Lassi.
You can Cook Twin Fruity Lassi using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Twin Fruity Lassi
- Lets Go Prepare 1 cup of curd.
- It's 1/4 cup of strawberry crush.
- Lets Go Prepare 1/4 cup of Black crush.
- What You needis as required of Cherry for decoration.
Twin Fruity Lassi instructions
- Blend 1/2-Cup curd with 1/4-Cup black grapes crush.
- Similarly blend 1/2Cup curd with strawberry crush,first fill lassi glass with black graps lassi & keep in slanting position in freezer for 1/2 hour then fill with strawberry lassi pour strawberry crush on top and garnish with cherry and serve cold yummy twin fruity lassi.