[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Make Oishi Crustless Spinach Ricotta Strata For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Crustless Spinach Ricotta Strata.

Crustless Spinach Ricotta Strata You can Cook Crustless Spinach Ricotta Strata using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Crustless Spinach Ricotta Strata

  1. Lets Go Prepare 6 of eggs.
  2. It's 6 oz of spinach - blanched and chopped.
  3. It's 1 1/3 cup of milk.
  4. What You needis 1 cup of Ricotta or more.
  5. It's 1 1/2 cup of mozzarella.
  6. It's 1/2 cup of loccatelli.
  7. Lets Go Prepare 4 tablespoons of chopped onion.
  8. What You needis 1 1/2 cups of Broccoli, mushrooms, red pepper - about.
  9. What You needis 1 of potato thinly sliced on bottom of pan.
  10. Lets Go Prepare 1 tsp of salt.
  11. It's of Croutons for top.

Crustless Spinach Ricotta Strata step by step

  1. Beat eggs and then add ricotta and grated cheese use immersion blender. Add potato and vegetables to pan then pour egg mixture on top. Top with croutons to absorb excess liquid..
  2. Cook for 50 minutes or until set at 350 bake conversion..
  3. .