[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Cook Oishi Bachelor Sunday Burger For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Bachelor Sunday Burger.

Bachelor Sunday Burger You can Have Bachelor Sunday Burger using 13 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bachelor Sunday Burger

  1. Lets Go Prepare 1 of onion finely sliced.
  2. Lets Go Prepare 1 of Tomato finely sliced.
  3. It's 2 of Boiled Eggs finely sliced (For Non-veg burger).
  4. Lets Go Prepare 2 of finey sliced Indian Cottage Cheese (For veg burger).
  5. It's of Potatoes Salad (Indian Style).
  6. It's of Pizza & Pasta Sauce.
  7. Lets Go Prepare 2 each of Burger Bread.
  8. It's of Indian Made Tamarind Sauce.
  9. Lets Go Prepare of salt.
  10. It's of chili flakes.
  11. Lets Go Prepare of pizza seasoning.
  12. It's of olive oil.
  13. It's of ground black pepper.

Bachelor Sunday Burger step by step

  1. Bring all ingredients to cooking table..
  2. Bring oil to heat on flat bottomed pan.
  3. Now spread pizza pasta sauce on both halves of burger bread.
  4. Sprinkle pepper on halves of burger breads.
  5. Now spread a fine layer of potatoes salad.
  6. Place first potato salad side on heated pan.
  7. After one minute or till potatoes get brown flip the burgers.
  8. Now switch off burner and start place in the ingredients stating with onlon rings, boled eggs or sliced cottage cheese.
  9. Then add tomatoes and cucumber and top it with sauce and seasoning..
  10. Place other halves over it and enjoy.