Bulgar wheat and Spinach cutlets. And that's exactly what that is with loads. You want a healthy snack option? Watch how to make broken wheat and rajma cutlet ……they are light, delicious and filling too.
How to make it into a meal?
Here's an easy bulgur wheat recipe.
Bulgur wheat comes in different grind sizes, which changes the cooking time significantly.
You can Cook Bulgar wheat and Spinach cutlets using 9 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Bulgar wheat and Spinach cutlets
- Lets Go Prepare 3/4 cup of wheat Broken [ Washed ..
- It's 1 cup of Spinach leaves [ Washed and shredded thin ..
- It's 1/2 cup of Paneer [ Crumbled ..
- What You needis to taste of Salt chaat masala . and.
- It's of Green chillies . [Finely chopped] if you like.
- What You needis 2 tbsps of Maida ..
- Lets Go Prepare 1/2 cup of Sesame Seeds [i used black].
- It's of Water ..
- What You needis of . Oil for shallow frying.
We like to cook with fine-grind and. See more ideas about bulgar wheat, recipes, healthy recipes. Bulgur Salad with Spinach, Pine Nuts and Asparagus Hearty summer grain salads are ALL THE RAGE RIGHT NOW.
Bulgar wheat and Spinach cutlets instructions
- In a pan, put the broken wheat and twice the water..
- Let it cook properly. Make sure once it is done no water is left in the wheat..
- Let it cool down to room temperature..
- To this, add the paneer and spinach leaves..
- Add the Salt and chaat masala also green chillies if you like..
- The moisture of paneer and bulgar/wheat must be enough to shape the mixture into small patties..
- In a shallow dish, mix maida with about 5 tbsp water..
- In another dish spread the sesame seeds..
- Take the patty and dip it in the maida mixture..
- Now roll some sesame seeds on it..
- Shallow fry it until nice and golden..
- Optionally you may use beaten egg with some maida in place of plain maida and water..
Stir, then add the stock and spinach and stir until wilted. Place spinach, onions, dill, and cheese in a wide bowl. Pour bulgur into a fine strainer and press out the excess water. Prepare some bulgar wheat by pouring over boiling water, and leaving for half an hour. Meanwhile, chop plenty of mint and parsley.