Recipe: Oishi Date and Nut Pin wheels For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Date and Nut Pin wheels.

Date and Nut Pin wheels You can Have Date and Nut Pin wheels using 12 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Date and Nut Pin wheels

  1. It's of Filling.
  2. It's 250 grams of Dates (pitted).
  3. What You needis 200 grams of Mixed Nuts.
  4. It's 225 grams of Sultanas.
  5. What You needis 2 tbsp of Maple Syrup (Honey or Agave Syrup can be used as a substitute).
  6. It's of Biscuit.
  7. What You needis 200 grams of plain flour.
  8. Lets Go Prepare 1/2 tsp of baking powder.
  9. Lets Go Prepare 30 grams of Light Musocvado sugar.
  10. It's 65 grams of Butter (salted/unsalted your choise).
  11. Lets Go Prepare 1 pinch of of salt (do not use if using salted butter).
  12. It's 2 tbsp of water (to bring the dough together if needed).

Date and Nut Pin wheels step by step

  1. Put the mixed nuts in a food processor and pulse a few times to break them down a bit..
  2. Add the Dates, Sultanas and Maple syrup and process until the mix almost balls in the processer. (you know what I mean).
  3. Spread the mixture on a baking tray lined with Cling film and place in the fridge for an hour to chill. (a couple of millimeters thick).
  4. In the cleaned processer bowl add the flour, baking powder, sugar, butter and salt..
  5. 5. Process the mixture, adding the water as necessary until it just comes to a dough ball..
  6. 6. Remove from the bowl to a flowered surface and knead for a few minutes..
  7. 7. Wrap the biscuit dough if cling film and rest it in the fridge for ½ an hour..
  8. 8. Roll the rested dough on a flowered surface to the same thickness as the date and nut filling..
  9. 9. Place the filling on the dough leaving 1 cm of dough exposed..
  10. 10. Starting at the exposed edge of dough roll the sheet of dough and filling (like a swill roll)..
  11. 11. Cut the roll into 1cm slices and place onto a baking tray lines with greaseproof or baking parchment..
  12. 12. Bake for 15/20 minutes at 170ºC (for a fan Oven), or until golden..
  13. 13. Place on a wire rack to cool before you get wicked and eat them all. Hot, hot, hot..