[Mommy Vegan]MommyVegan Prepare Oishi Soaked Kamut almond milk muffins For Vegan's Friend

Delicious, fresh and good.

Soaked Kamut almond milk muffins.

Soaked Kamut almond milk muffins You can Cook Soaked Kamut almond milk muffins using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Soaked Kamut almond milk muffins

  1. What You needis 2 of freshly milled kamut flour.
  2. It's 2 of eggs (or substitute 1 egg by mixing 1 Tsp of ground flaxseed with 3Tsp of water.
  3. It's 1 cup of dates (about 5 pitted).
  4. What You needis 1 cup of mashed butternut squash (as butter substitute).
  5. Lets Go Prepare 1 2/3 cups of homemade almond milk (or any milk available, adjust volume as needed).
  6. What You needis 1/2 tsp of baking soda.
  7. What You needis 1 Tsp of baking powder.
  8. Lets Go Prepare 1 Tsp of apple cider vinegar.
  9. What You needis 2 tsp of vanilla extract.
  10. What You needis 1 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  11. Lets Go Prepare 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder.

Soaked Kamut almond milk muffins step by step

  1. Mix 2 Tsp of ground flaxseed meal with 6 Tsp of warm water in a large bowl later used for all wet ingredients. Allow it to sit for a few minutes to thicken..
  2. Pit 5 dates and blend in a small blender into paste. Add this sweet source into wet ingredients bowl. Add 1 Tsp apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp of vanilla extract.
  3. Mash about 1 cup of baked or steamed butternut squash in a measuring cup using a fork. Transfer mashed squash into the same bowl.
  4. Add 2 cups of freshly milled kamut flour. Gently fold the wet ingredient into the flour and gradually pour in about 1 2/3 cups of almond milk until all ingredients mix well. Allow the batter to sit on a countertop for 4 to 8 hours to allow whole grain flour to ferment..
  5. Pre-heat the oven and set at 375F. Gently massage in 1Tsp of baking powder and 1/2 tsp of baking soda into the batter. Using an icecream scooper, divide your batter into 12-dish muffin pan. Bake for 20 mins and then turn down the heat to 350F and bake for another 15 or until a toothpick come out clean.